Vibrational Medicine
Vibrational Medicine put simply is the emerging model of energetic healing based on modern scientific insights into the energetic nature of the atom and molecules, as well as the energy systems that make up our bodies. These systems connect us to the entire unified field of consciousness. We are all apart of this field, Humans, animals, all living things. Vibrational, or energy medicine are name that define this “ new medicine “ of the 21st century, a philosophy and science that views the body, mind and spirit as a complicated, completely interrelated whole. The main goal of the practitioner is to identify and get rid of the blocks that prevent you or your pet from experiencing and expressing the highest level of vibrant good health and joyfulness of spirit naturally.
“Rather than relying on drugs and scalpels to treat illness, the vibrational medical approach to healing employs the use of different forms of energy, both electro-magnetic and subtle life- energy, to bring about healing changes in the body, mind and spirit of the sick individual”.
Vibrational medicine takes into account all of the forms and frequencies of the vibrating energy that contribute to the multidimensional energy systems of all living things. This includes our thoughts and feelings, the subtle-energy body and our relationship to God and the world and universe as a whole.
Disease is expressed as symptoms in the body or mind can originate from or in any of these different fields, and it’s the goal and opportunity of the practitioner of vibrational, or energy medicine, to help the animal or human client identify the source of their illness and restore its balance at a core level.
During the begining of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein came to a conclusion that matter and energy were actually interchangeable.
Energy Imbalances
Disharmony shows up in the energy field before it becomes a physical symptom or diagnosable condition in the body. If imbalances can be detected while they are still in the energy field, theoretically disease can be avoided altogether, alleviating the need for physical illness, pain and suffering.
Another advantage is that vibrational/energetic healing has no negative side effects.
Energy Healing Modalities
During a visit, every person, pet or animal is evaluated at all levels with Total or Partial Living Systems Analysis. The treatment, or Quantum Frequency Rebalancing, may include one or more of the following energy healing modalities:
- Distance Healing
- Individulized Diet and Excercise Plan for Healing
- Emotox – Laser Allergy Desensitization and Rebalancing
- Gem, Flower and Environmental Essences
- Homeopathy
- Nutritional Supplements
- Radionics
- Rife Therapy
Energy Body Healing
Allopathic medicine only looks and treats our physical body, besides that the human and animal energy body consists of four additional electromagnetic or consciousness fields – etheric, emotional, mental and causal or spiritual. There can be Imbalances or distortions in any one of these fields.These imbalances will eventually manifest themselves as disease or symptoms in the physical body.
Regular care and maintenance of your subtle energy body is just as essential to your overall well-being as is regular care and maintenance of the physical body such as good nutrition, daily cleansing, alkaline water and exercise.
It is not only possible but vital that imbalances or toxicities in the energy body be addressed regularly. It is important to create a protective energy shield around ourselves that protects us from taking on unhealthy energy from the people, situations or environments that we come in contact with on a daily basis. This includes the potentially toxic effects of electromagnetic fields created by cellphones, computers and technology, radioactivity and heavy metals.