BLACKBERRY Flower Essence
Proper Name: Rubus Ursinus (whitish-pink)
Common Name: Blackberry
Origin: Africa and the Amazon, England/Scotland, France, USA
Properties and Attributes: Counters an inability to translate goals and ideas into action; helps one to
execute, follow-through on, and manifest his/her ideas, goals, and projects; directs will-power and
promotes decisive action; brings a realization that everything is alive, and that there is life in “death;”
helps one to be kinder, more optimistic, inspirational, incisive, and direct, yet gentle.
Possible Uses: For those who have difficulty making a viable connection with the will, and have
problems executing their ideas; for those who focus on dark or unkind thoughts, and are cynical,
pessimistic, sarcastic, or fault-finding; for a fear of death, an understanding of growth, fertility, and
vitality; for a sluggish metabolism, and poor circulation.
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